Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Websites for learning Finnish

As I said in an earlier post my first step in learning Finnish was playing around with online resources.I add more websites to this page frequently. It's good to get started with those websites, but in my case, I turned to books and CDs as soon as I found one.

Here is a comprehensive list of resources that I borrowed from here:
Language Hacking Guide (full) by Benny Lewis
Finnish Language Wiki page
Collection of links to learning sites
Tavataan Taas – Finnish for foreigners
From Start to Finnish – A short course in Finnish
Promentor multimedia course material
Basic writing
Online Finnish School
Finnigh for foreigners – personal site
Finnish Grammar
Finnish Grammar Bits
Vilma - Finnish learning guide (in Finnish)
Keskella Suomea (in Finnish)
Finnish Language Support Forum
Finnish for Busy people
Vocabulary and learning games
Conversational Finnish Course
Finnish Verb Conjugation
Finnish Verb Conjugation – another site
Pronunciation Robot
Live Mocha
Finland Forum – life in Finland, language etc
Finnish school in Vancouver, Canada
Kuulostaa hyvalta transcripts


  1. It's supposed to sound like "kuu" with K, but in Finnish we don't really use it since we don't have Q's in any Finnish words. (except some foreign words like Qatar or quesadilla). I don't know how to roll my r's!!! Finland is my favorite country in the world besides my own. I wish I could sound exactly like the citizens :(
    complete finnish

    1. Well, I have to go a long way before I can even think about sounding like natives :)
