Sunday, February 17, 2013

Day 242: Hirveä Henry

We are watching an episode of Hriveä Henry every night. I don't get a lot but it's fun anyway.
Here is its song:

Kiljuttaa, kun vanhemmat räyhää
Tee niin, tee näin
Kiljuttaa, kun koulu on tylsää
Ja muuten ois kivaa
Kun kaikki oikein harmittaa,
niin silloin laulaa saa.
Saa laulaa

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

DAY 237: Books I'm using now

I've changed my ways in learning Finnish a bit these days. Firstly, I'm not posting words and phrases in here. It felt like waste of time. From now on I'll use this blog only to report important things in my learning curve.

Secondly I got messy with my books. I played around with many books, which made it confusing to decide which one should be read every time. So here are the final list, I won't change them unless I'm done with any of them:

Sunday, February 10, 2013

You are understandable!

Today I received a compliment from a native Finnish speaker. Sending him a message in Facebook in Finnish and apologizing for my poor Finnish he said: Yet your Finnish is understandable so it's good enough.

No matter what's the trough, it feels good to hear such a comment only after 200 or so days of studying a new language. Isn't it?

Thursday, February 7, 2013


Today I found out from Kuulostaa Hyvältä that the Finnish word for joke is vitsi.
I googled the word and found out some jokes. It is interesting that many jokes Finns laugh at were hostile towards their neighbors, the swedes.And also the number of Jokes about women...
It felt like home to me. In Iran people have lots of jokes on Arabs, and women and ...
That's the way it is. 

Lyhyt puhelu

Miten nainen voi selviätä puhelimesta vain 15 minuutissa?
-Väärä numero


Ruotsalaisbussi syöksyi rotkoon ja kaikki matkustajat kuolivat.
Miksi se oli tragedia?
- Bussissa olisi ollut tilaa vielä kolmelle.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Day 234: Reviewing my learning strategy

I've found a good book to start with yesterday. It's an intermediate book on Finnish: Finn Talk: Neljä, viisi, kuusi, ... neljä, viis, kuus. It teaches both spoken and standard Finnish.
I'll study Finnish first thing in the morning for an hour. Dividing the time equally between on two books. Here are the list of my books for now:
Main book: Kuulostaa Hyväaltä
Exercise book, Kieli Käytöön
Grammer, Suomen Kielen Alkeisoppikirja
Reading, Aamu
Also this new one, Finn Talk

I read the books in the morning and write the notes in here in the evening.
Also in reading Kuulostaa Hyvältä I'll first watch the video then read the text from now on. There are a lot to learn. I have to hurry up, before I get disappointed about learning Finnish on my own.

Friday, February 1, 2013

DAYS 228-229: Ollan vaan

Hän huuhtaa! wikipedia

I made sentences by the words given in an exercise from Kuulostaa Hyvältä during yesterday and today's 45 mins a day Finnish program.

I'm a bit tired of learning Finnish. In past month I've been committed to do it everyday and I did. But now I feel a bit fed up. But there's no other way to learn a language. I have to go on.

These days I'm listening to radio suomi pop on my cellphone whenever possible.  Because I read in a research published in dailymail that listening to the foreign language is crucial for learning it even if you don't understand anything.  I'm just giving it a try, by the way there's nothing more useful when I'm on the bike.

I also did a page from Aamu today. The story was about a couple arguing about how they love each other now, compared to then!. I'm not writing down all the words and phrases here. Just the ones I really liked to learn: