Wednesday, January 9, 2013

DAY 204: Kirjoitustehtävä ja pörri orava

Today I started at 7:20 by doing the last 2 exercises in kappale 5 of Kuulostaa Hyvältää.
First one was watching the lessons video clip and answering some questions about it. The last task was a writing task (kirjoitustehtävä), basically answering some questions about myself. Then I moved to AAMU and read about one paragraph and looked up the word in dictionary.

By the way, we watched an old animation last night. My wife and I remember this cute japanese squirrel from or childhood. We find the Finnish dubbed version  at city library and rented it immediately. It helps us learn Finnish faster.

Here are the words from AAMU
Piirtoheitin, projector
Piirtohittimen viressä on opettajan pöytä. Beside

Pöydan päällä on kertakeppi. on

Pöydän alla on roskakori. below, waste basket.

Nurkassa seisoo fläppitaulu. At the corner, stands.

Opiskeluvälineet ovat jokaisessa pulpetissa. Study tools, Jokainen = everybody.

Kirja, vihko, kynä, kumi, viivoitin, teroitin ja sakset.  sharpener, scissors.

And from Pööri orava I learned: Hantä. Which means tail.

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